Tuesday, January 23, 2007

radioactive materials

report regarding physics related to health.

my report is all about the help of physics in health. in may article below shows that physics play an important roll in preventing radioactive material entering in our body.

the advantages of knowing this information is we can prevent the radioactive material in entering in our body.w/ out the knowledges in physics study we may not know that the particles in ythe radio active material in harmfull in our body.

the disavantage of this are inspite of all dis imformation some of us still not haveng some protetion while working in a radioactive site.

It is very important to point out that everyone receives radiation from a number of natural and commonly accepted man-made sources. In fact, we contain many radioactive materials ourselves, such as a radioactive form of potassium (K-40), that was created when the earth was first formed. Common building materials, such as marble and granite, contain measurable amounts of natural radon, uranium and thorium isotopes. Medical and dental X-rays contribute to our exposure. X-rays are very similar to gamma radiation, as are the "cosmic rays" we are bombarded with as we walk down the street (or take a ride in a modern jet plane at moderate altitude). All of these contribute to our normal or "background" radiation exposure.

as we can see above, it shows that radio active materials are present aroud us so we must br aware if it for us to protect our self to its harmful effect.

i hope that with this short information may help us to be more aware of the bad effect of radioactive in our body.

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